Nolan Memorials in Ireland
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CARLOW – Old Leighlin
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St. Laserian Cemetery Map - Section F ( click to view image )
St. Laserian Cemetery Map - Section D ( click to view image )
The Cathedral of St. Laserian "With its great ancient church all adorning The hills and the valleys around That once was famous for learning When few others in Europe were found" ( click to view image )
The Cathedral Cemetery Old Leighlin ( click to view image )
Church of Ireland Cathedral Church of St Laserian ( click to view image )
Erected by Bridget Nolan of Cranroo in memory of her beloved husband Patrick Nolan who died May 16th 1869 aged 55 yrs and one child who died young Also his father Patrick Nolan who died Feb 28th, 1848 aged 87 yrs. Also his mother Anastacia Nolan alias Moore who died April 2nd, 1845 aged 84 yrs ( click to view image )
ERECTED BY JAMES NOLAN OF COOLAKEIRAN in memory of his beloved daughter Margaret Nolan who died July 1st 1865 aged 9 years Also his beloved son Thomas Nolan who died Nov'r 28th 1874 aged 14 years. Also the above named James Nolan who died March 22nd 1898 aged 90 yrs. Also his daughter Teresa who died July 20th 1899 aged 22 yrs Also his daughter Bridget who died at Chicago. Also his wife Jane died Feb. 1901 aged 64 yrs. Also his son Philip died Jan 19th 1927 aged 59 yrs. Also Julia Nolan wife of Philip died Dec. 3rd 1953 aged 80 yrs. Also James son of Philip died 25th April 1970 aged 65 yrs. Also Maureen, daughter of Philip died 19th Feb. 1991, aged 71 yrs. Also Kathleen, daughter of Philip died 19th Feb. 1993 aged 81 yrs. John, son of Philip, died 19th Sept. 2002, aged 85 yrs. ( click to view image )
Erected by John Nolan of Old Leighlin in memory of his father Patrick Nolan who died May 21st 1874 aged 92 yrs also his mother Anne Nolan died Nov. 17th 1874 aged 93 yrs also his sister Bridget Esmond al's Nolan died June 22nd 1852 aged 38 yrs also his daughter Mary Anne Nolan died Dec'r 4th 1855 aged 7 yrs also his daughter Bridget died July 4th 1859 aged 4 yrs ( click to view image )
(88D on cemetery map) Here lie deposited in humble hope of a joyful resurrection the mortal remains of PATRICK NOWLAN late of Ballyellen who dep'd this life April the 15th 1809 aged 72 years, also his son James Nowlan who dept. this life November 19th 1821, aged 42 years also his son, Dani Nowlan, who departed this life Dec. 24th 1823 aged 46 years and also his wife, Sarah Nowlan alias Doyle, who departed this life January 26th 1827, aged 82 years May they rest in Pease. Amen ( click to view image )
(91D on cemetery map) This stone was erected by Dennis Nowlan of Ballygurteen in Memory of his Wife, Elenor Nowlan Alias Byrne who departed this life July the 12th, 1804, aged 42 years also his S?? Patt Nowlan who died ??th April 1817 aged ?? years ?????? 1818 ( click to view image )
(92D on cemetery map) Here lieth the body of Thomas Nowlan who departed this life 16th of July 1794, aged 52 years My dear Christians I beseech your prayers in my grave when this you read. Also his wife Margaret Nowlan alias Milea who departed this life July 4th 1817, aged 51 years also his son, Doctor Nowlan who departed this life Nov. 10th 1825, aged 81 years ( click to view image )
(94D on cemetery map) Erected by Thomas Nolan in memory of his son Ambrose died 8th Aug. 1890 aged 18 years also Thomas and Margaret died young ( click to view image )
(93D on cemetery map) Erected by Mary Nolan of Shankill in memory of her husband Thomas Nolan who died Dec. 5th 1895, aged 47 yrs also her mother Mary Hayden alias Coady who died Aug. 9th, 1873, aged 70 yrs. Requiescat in pace ( click to view image )
(111D on cemetery map) Erected by Patt Nowlan in memory of his wife, Anne Nowlan alias Purcell who dep'd this life 12th of Sept. 1811, aged 72 yrs. Lord Have Mercy On His Soul. Amen (excerpt from previous Old Leighlin transcriptions) ( click to view image )