Nolan Memorials in Ireland

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KILKENNY – Shankill-CI

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Co. Kilkenny
Tombstone Inscriptions
Volume 4 ( click to view image )
Church of Ireland
St. John's Church
Shankill ( click to view image )
Side view of 
St. John's Church
Shankill ( click to view image )
(#118 from Shankill Inscriptions)

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Erected by William Maher of Le'n Bridge
in memory of his mother
Elizabeth Maher al's Nowlan who
Departed this life the 11th day of
July 1775 Aged 20 Years. Also his
Grandmother Anne Nowlan al's Fitzhenery
Departed this life the 6th of January 1806
Aged 69 Years.
Also two of his Children Darby and Martin
who died Young. Also the Body of the above named William Maher who departed this life June 4th 1814 aged 39 years. R.I.P. 
(no image)
(#48 from Shankill Inscriptions)

Erected by Margaret Drea of Shankill
in memory of her father Thomas Nolan
who died Dec'r 4th 1856, aged 88 yrs.
Also her mother Margaret Nolan
who died Sept'r 20th 1860, aged 79 yrs.
also her sister Mary Murphy al's Nolan
who died Sept'r 22nd 1855 aged 57 yrs.
Also Philip, son of the above Mary Murphy
died April 4th 1903 aged 62 yrs. R.I.P. 
(no image)
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