Nolan Memorials in Ireland

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WEXFORD – Bunclody-Kilrush

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View of 
Old RC cemetery 
located in Kilrush parish, Co. Wexford, 
south of Carnew and east of Bunclody ( click to view image )
Sacred to the memory 
of James Nowlan Lacken
who died Nov 10th 1846 aged 55 years
also his wife Mary Nowlan who died 
Decr 30th 1872 aged 75 years
also their son Thomas Nowlan who died 
Decr 25th 1889 aged 68 years and
his two children James and Aiden 
both died young
and his daughter Hannah Nowlan who died 
Nov 21st 1913 aged 58 years and 
his son Thomas Nowlan
died July 4th 1923 aged 64 years.
(no image)
Sacred to the memory of James Redmond
of Knockanure
who depd this life Jan 11th 1844 aged 60 yrs
also in memory of his wife Anne
Redmond who depd this life on the 11th
of May 1866 in the 77th year of her age
also his daughter Anne Nowlan
alias Redmond who depd this life 
Dec 8th 1870 aged 52 years
also his daughter Bridget Redmond
depd this life Sep 1st 1886 aged 50 years
also his son John Redmond who depd
this life Novr 13 1889 aged 65 years
also his son Martin Redmond who depd
this life May 2nd 1892 aged 70 years
also his son Daniel Redmond who depd
this life Nov 30th 1893 aged 70 years
also his son Michael Redmond who depd
this life May 23rd 1895 aged 70 years
his daughter-in-law Mary Redmond 
died Sept 21st l902 aged 71 yrs 
his granddaughter Anne Redmond
died 9th June 1912 aged 40. 
(no image)
Erected by
Patrick McCrea 
of Knocknalour
in memory of his beloved father
John McCrea
who died Feb 1862 aged 80 years
and of his mother Sarah McCrea
who died 13th Oct 1866 aged 78 years
also his sister Mary McCrea who
departed this life on the 12th of
July 1875 aged 57 years
also his wife Rose McCrea who died
October 5th 1894 aged 55 years
also his daughter Sarah Nolan who
died August 14th 1899 aged 35 years
also his son Michael McCrea who
died Oct l0th 1906 aged 34 years
also the above Patrick McCrea who died
Sept 12th 1910 aged 82 years
also his son John McCrea died March 27
1920 aged 57 years. 
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(1 of 2 side-by-side)
Erected by
Charles Nolan
in memory of
his dearly beloved Mother
Catherine Nolan of Bolinrush
who died Decr 2nd 1861 aged 57
and his father Michael Nolan
who died Jany 23rd 1865 aged 67
also his grandparents
William and Ann Nolan
who died 1842-6
also his brother Thomas Nolan
who died Nov 2nd 1927 aged 83. 
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(2 of 2 side-by-side)
Erected by 
Jane Nolan of Raheen 
in memory of her husband
Thomas Nolan who died
April 8th 1883 aged 84 years. 
(no image)
Erected by Patrick Nowlan
in memory of his parents
(no image)
In memory of 
Thaddeus Nolan 
of Boolabawn 
who died 5th July
1876 aged 76 years. 
(no image)
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