Nolan Memorials in Ireland
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CARLOW – Ballinabranna-Milford
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The St Fintan church and cemetery are located in Ballinabranna, Co. Carlow and date back to the early 1800s. ( click to view image )
Layout of St Fintan RC church and Ballinabrana cemetery found in the Reynolds Fieldcrest Transcriptions Collection (1995) ( click to view image )
(Stone #9) Erected by JOHN NOLAN of Leighlinbridge in memory of his dear Child WILLIAM who dep'd this life 30th of April 1865 aged 13 years. Also Mrs MARY O'NEILL died April 21st 1867 aged 90 yrs. Also the above named JOHN NOLAN who died June 18th 1892 aged 84 yrs. Also his wife ELIZABETH NOWLAN who died 10th August 1900 aged 90 yrs. And his son LAWRENCE NOLAN who died 30th Dec. 1925, aged 83 yrs. (no image)
(stone #119) Erected by MARY NOLAN of Raheendoran in memory of her mother CATHERINE NOLAN Died April 15th 1886 Aged 64 yrs. Also her father THOMAS NOLAN Died 31st Oct'r 1888 Aged 80 yrs. Also MARGARET NOLAN Died 29th April 1957 Aged 64 years. (no image)
(stone #141) Erected by MICHAEL KEALY of Cranavonane, in memory of his wife JULIA KEALY, Al's NOLAN who dep'd this life Nov'r 5th 1875 Aged 38 yrs. Also the above MICHAEL KEALY who died Feb'y 6th 1899 aged 84 yrs. Also his son JOHN who died Aug't 31st 1 906 aged 45 yrs. Also his son JAMES died July 4th 1943 aged 72 yrs. (no image)