Nolan Memorials in Ireland
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GALWAY – Franciscan Friary
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In the early 1800s, in his "History of Galway", James Hardiman recorded the inscription of a Nolan tombstone refurbished by a Michael Nolan of Logboy which once stood on the grounds of the Franciscan Friary in the center of Galway city. ( click to view image ) This Franciscan Friary dates back to the 1200s and in the early 1650s was ransacked by Cromwell's men. Prior to that time it had been used to bury many wealthy freemen of the city. In the late 1680s an effort was made to retore the tombstones and their inscriptions recorded.
Lord have mercy on the soul of John Nolan who died August 26, 1793 age sixty years. (inscription on a tombstone found in the courtyard of the Franciscan Friary and contributed by James F. Nolan of Wisconson, U.S.A.) ( click to view image )