Nolan Memorials in Ireland
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CARLOW – Clonegal-RC
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(plaque in side wall of cemetery) Sacred to the memory of the Rev. MICHAEL NOWLAN son to Mr. JAMES NOWLAN of Clonegall who erected this monument. He commenced and finished his ecclesiastical studies at the celebrated College of Evreux in France where he was beloved by his superiors & fellow students. He was ordained Priest on the 11th of June 1844 by the R't Rev'd Claudius Hippolytus Clausel of Montals The Venerable Bishop of Bruges. His constitution becoming impaired he returned to his father's where he yielded his spirit unto his maker on March 11th 1845 Aged 28 years ( click to view image )
Erected by HENRY NOWLAN of Sandbrook in memory of his beloved wife CATHERINE NOWLAN alias DOYLE who depart'd this life May 28th 1859 Aged 64 years. ( click to view image )
Erected by BRIDGET NOLAN Rahhengraney, in loving memory of Her Father JOHN BYRNE who died 16th Oct. 1904 Aged 43 years. Her Mother ANNE BYRNE who died 19th July 1938 Aged 83 years. Her husband JOHN NOLAN who died 5th March 1970 Aged 81 years. Also his wife BRIDGET NOLAN who died 25th Dec 1988 Aged 92 years. R.I.P. ( click to view image )
In loving memory of PATRICK NOWLAN Abbeydown, Died 15th June 1965 Aged 80 yrs. Also his mother ANNE NOWLAN Died 28th Nov 1921 aged 73 yrs. And his father MICHAEL NOWLAN Died 9th March 1924 aged 95 yrs. And his wife MARY ANN NOWLAN Died 31st March 1980 aged 83 yrs. Also his son MICHAEL Died 7th March 1992 Aged 70 years. R.I.P. ( click to view image )
Erected by The Nolan Family Burial Place of MOGUE and CATHERINE NOLAN Watch House. Also their son PATRICK Died 8th January 1899, aged 70 years. His wife MARY Died 5th August 1904, aged 68 years. ELIZA NOLAN Died 15th April 1937, aged 52 years. EDMOND Died 6th September 1954, aged 79 years. Also CATHERINE KENNY (nee Nolan) Interred here, aged 85 years. Rest In Peace. ( click to view image )
Erected by JAMES NOLAN Coolruss in memory of his brother THOMAS NOLAN Died Aug't 9th 1881 aged 28 years. Also his father JAMES NOLAN Died May 24th 1891 aged 84 years an his sister ANNE NOLAN Died Jan 10th 1947 aged 96 years. Also the above JAMES NOLAN Died March 30th 1958 aged 97 years. ( click to view image )
View of RC church in Clonegal, Co. Carlow --- Saints Brigid & Lazerian ( click to view image )
Erected by MICHAEL NOLAN Moylisha in loving memory of his wife MARGARET NOLAN who died 21st June 1959 aged 60 yrs MICHAEL NOLAN who died 12th Dec. 1965 aged 84 yrs. Also his son PATSY who died 29th Aug. 1991 aged 68 yrs. Also his nephew PATRICK NOLAN Munny who died 16th July 1992 aged 84 yrs. R.I.P. ( click to view image )
Erected by MARGARET NOLAN in loving memory of her husband ANDREW NOLAN Ballinastraw Died 8th Sep. 1954 aged 73 years. And his brother MOSES NOLAN Died 4th Dec. 1958 aged 91 years. Also the above MARGARET NOLAN Died 15th Sep. 1963 aged 70 years. ( click to view image )
In loving memory of PATRICK NOLAN Raheengraney, Died 13th Dec. 1967 Aged 82 yrs Also his wife ELIZABETH NOLAN Died 19th Sep. 1972 aged 74 yrs. And their son JAMES NOLAN Died 23rd Sep. 1966 aged 42 yrs. ( click to view image )
Viiew of church interior --- Saints Brigid & Lazerian Clonegal, Co. Carlow ( click to view image )
Cricified Jesus Have mercy on the Souls of JOHN O'NEILL Monaughrim His wife CATHERINE His daughters MARY MORAN and CATHERINE O'NEILL His son in-law PATRICK NOLAN who died 4th Jan 1936 Aged 60 years And his wife MARGARET A (nee O'NEILL) who died 19th Aug 1939 aged 62 yrs Also their son CHARLES NOLAN who died 7th May 1965 aged 53 yrs Also their daughter KATHLEEN NOLAN who died 18th June 1995 aged 79 yrs. R.I.P. ( click to view image )
Erected to the memory of JOHN NOLAN Craan, Ferns. Who departed this life June 22nd 1878 aged 67 years. Also his wife ANNE NOLAN who departed this life March 16th 1896 aged 90 years. Also his grandson THOMAS J. NOLAN who departed this life August 12th 1899 aged 30 years. Also his daughter-in-law ELIZA NOLAN, Died May 21st 1912 aged 79 years and his son PATRICK NOLAN Did Jan'y 18th 1928 aged 87 years. MARY A. NOLAN Died Dec. 3rd 1955 aged 85 yrs. R.I.P. ( click to view image )