
This website is dedicated to the memory of Rosie (Dertinger) Nowlan, the consummate photographer, who passed away on August 5th 2020 having befriended and influenced with her warm personality many of the individuals who frequented the Newman Centre at 3484 Peel Street in Montreal from the late 1960s to the mid 1980s. She will be sorely missed!

Married to Rosie at the Newman Centre in July 1971, Roger, the love of her life, discovered after her passing several old negatives from their Newman days, prompting him to set up this photo gallery in her memory and also to lend support to the wonderful fellowship between many former Newmanites which he and Rosie experienced over the years and which persists to this day, largely due to the efforts of Mario Valdes who throughout the intervening years kept in touch with many of his Newman friends in person, by phone and thankfully maintained an Email list, “Mario’s list”.

Muchas Gracias Mario! We owe you a lot!
