More About Me
In 1997 I joined the Nolan Clan family organisation (aka Clan O Nolan) and began in earnest to research my own Nolan family ancestry and, over time, that interest grew to encompass all Nolan families wherever they may have settled.
Already as a young child I was fascinated by the stories passed down by my Nolan ancestors and wondered about my relatives left behind in Ireland those many years ago.
In 2004 I assumed the duties of Newsletter editor fwor the Nolan Clan family organisation and began publishing article after article on Nolan family history, in an effort to gain an ever deeper understanding of Nolan family history.
In 2017, after divesting myself of the duties of Newsletter editor for the Nolan Clan, I began refocusing my energies towards revamping the original 2004 vintage website and the writing of an updated Nolan family history.
By 2023 I completed revamping the website, updating it to use more up-to-date and maintainable information terchnology e.g. knowledge bases.
As for the writing of an updated Nolan history book, in light of technological advances and new publication practices (e.g. Wikipedia), I am changing my strategy for the writing of an updated Nolan history book.
My new approach is to focus on the writing and collection of Nolan-specific research articles which will serve in the eventual writing of an online Nolan history book once deficiencies in the first Nolan history book (“O Nolan – the History of a People” published in 2000) have been sufficiently researched and documented in the website’s “Research Articles” knowledge base . At this point in time I feel that there is still much to discover about early Nolan family roots and invite other researchers to join me as part of the online NolanFamilies Research Group in this discovery process. A more realistic timeframe for the publication of a new Nolan family history book now seems to be around 2025-2027.
Also, getting on in age and sensing that my days as webmaster for this website are numbered I will gladly welcome any offer to help manage this website. Simply contact me if interested.