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1865 : James Nolan : San Francisco, CA

[44] James Nolan (1840 – ????) – from Thurles, Co. Tipperary
[45] Honora Carroll (???? – ????) – from Ireland
Children: Katherine (1870), Daniel J. (1871), Mary (1872) and Dennis J. (1875) born in NY; Margaret Marie (1877), James Patrick (1878), Beatrice Ann (1879), Delia (1880), Joseph Daniel (1883), Tom (1884), Michael J. (1884) and Nora Margaret (1887) born in California.

James Nolan was born in 1840, the son of Daniel Nolan (1815-1903) and Catherine Morrissey of the parish of Thurles, Co. Tipperary. In 1860, as a young man he emigrated to New York, NY.

James (1840-1927) also had 6 brothers and sisters: John (1837-1915), Mary Bridget (1843-1910), Thomas (1845-1853), Catherine (1848-1920), Daniel (1851-1930) and Thomas (1854-1935). James’ father Daniel (1815-1903) is buried in Borris, Parish of Twomileborris, Co. Tipperary.

Of the brothers and sisters, Mary Bridget is known to have also emigrated, settling down with her husband, John Corcoran, in the area of Syracuse, NY, where they raised 11 children.

Honora Carroll (1848-1910), emigrated to New York sometime prior to 1870 and, in 1870, married James Nolan. Initially, James and Honora lived in the area of Troy, NY where they had their first 4 children. However, around 1875, perhaps drawn by the promise of a better life in California, the family moved on to the area of San Francisco where their next 8 children were born.

Children of James Nolan and Honora Carroll:

  • Katherine m. Cornellius Nicholas Sullivan (2 children)
  • Daniel J.
    m1. Delia Agnes Connolly (4 children);
    m2 : Verdie May Trusty
  • Dennis J.
    m1. Julia Maguire;
    m2: Florence Mae Smith; (2 children)
  • Margaret Marie m1. Herbert T. Storrs (1 child);
    m2. James W. McCormick (1 child); also 3 step-children
  • James Patrick m. Katherine Ryan
  • Beatrice Ann m. John T. McGuire (3 children)
  • Delia m: Theodore “Spud” Cottle
  • Joseph Daniel
    m1. Mary Catherine Jackson (4 children);
    m2 : Eliza M. Kessel
  • Tom (children?)
  • Michael J. m. Violet Mae Deal (2 children)
  • Nora Margaret m. George Wilson Parmenter (2 children)

1898 : James Nolan : Los Angeles, CA

[341] James Nolan (c1815 – ????) – from Co. Wexford, IE
[342] Unknown (???? – ????) – from Unknown

James Nolan was born sometime around 1815-1820, the son of Nicholas Nolan and Bridget O’Neill of Co. Wexford. He had many siblings and, according to family tradition, he and a brother named Michael emigrated to the US at about the same time in 1853 entering via the port of New York. By 1870, James and his brother Michael had found their way to Grant county, Wisconsin, where they were farming. They were still there in 1880 but, by 1898, James had moved on to California, possibly by way of Montana. He married in 1898 and in 1900, he and wife were living in Los Angeles, CA.

It is believed that he was buried in the Calvary cemetery where other Nolans are known to be buried.

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