Research Articles

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Research Articles

This repository of information is meant to store for posterity the results of worldide Nolan family research, whether it be limited to a particular Nolan family branch or broader in scope such as documenting Nolan presence in a particular part of the world, documenting Nolan involvement in major historical events (e.g. Flight of the Earls, Cromwellian confiscations, Wild Geese emigration, Jacobite Rebellions, 1798 Rebellion, 1916 Easter Rebellion, etc.) or yet again documenting findings about very early Nolan family roots, etc.

The number of research articles in this repository is currently very limited but it is hoped that, over time, as knowledge of the repository's existence spreads, this will change for the better.
On my side, as time permits, I plan to add to this repository several of my past research articles which have appeared in past issues of the Ballon-Rathoe Chronicle (2005-2010) and also the Nolan Clan newsletter (2004-2018).
The long-term vision is that the findings of these and follow-on research articles will feed the process of continually updating and revising the Nolan diaspora's understanding of its history at the world level.

Roger Nowlan

(Contact Me) webmaster and Nolan Clan member since 1997